Foto by Norman Seeff
MEC the first museum of the IT revolution in Sicily. The idea was born from the architect Giuseppe Forello, one of the largest Apple collectors in Europe. In the headquarters of Palazzo Castrone in Via Vittorio Emanuele 452 the collection of about 4000 elements, from rarities to iconic pieces invented by the genius of Jobs that will be partially exhibited in the exhibition: Why join the navy, if you can be a pirate?

LISA - 1983
The work and greatness of Steve Jobs go far beyond the digital and technological world. His insight, as well as his products, profoundly changed our society and activated an unstoppable rush of transformation characterizing our times, the scale of which we are not fully aware of yet.
We are all heirs to Steve Jobs’ intuitions, after all. Our behavior, our freedom, our customs, our manners, as well as our neuroses, are all based on the use of the devices he imagined and spread across the world.
More than 40 years after the launch of his first product (Apple I, 1976), we can say that what the American businessman imagined and developed turned into an amazing cultural revolution, profoundly altering all main human activities: economy, creativity, information, mobility, entertainment, and accommodation. His revolution has been disrupting in that it aimed at the very core of all human activities: information, its processing and its communication.

Foto di Norman Seef
Cupertino, California 1984

iMac G3 - 1998
Thanks to original objects and memorabilia, the visitor will discover inside MEC Museum the main and most important stages of this great entrepreneur’s life. A journey to discover the man and his dreams through his work, from the first insights in the mid-70s to the thriving explosion of the App Economy in the new millennium, all the way through the Pixar dream and such perfect devices as the Macintosh and the iPhone.